So how did I end up living in a punk rock nightclub? Lemme tell ya....
First, I was laid off from the car wash in Oakland I worked at because it was winter. My roommates, having been in the same boat, demonstrated their compassion by promptly giving me the boot. (A couple years later, I was comforted to find a couple of them living in a tenement on Pill Hill, and others having moved back home.... In their mid-twenties. Fill in Simpsons "Nelson" laugh here.) A friend down in San Jose was able to help me out by letting me sleep in the garage of the house she was living in. There was just one tiny problem: the guy who she was renting a room from couldn't know I was there, so I had to sneak in the house around six in the morning and hide under her bed until he left for work. I'd built a small cave to live and sleep in in the rafters, and the guy never went in the garage past seven p.m. I just had to sneak in the side door after seven and stay quiet. I did plenty of laps around the block until the lights at the side of the house went off, the signal the coast was clear.